1) Arguments.
2) Think Logically.
3) Basics Of Life.
4) Any Condition Known Is Better Then Condition Unknown.
5) What Constitute Our "Human" Space?
6) Space & Earth Maintenance Package.
7) Hygiene.
8) Kissing Babies.
9) Rape.
10) Temporary Marriage.
11) The Mosaic Theory.
12) Salivation Affect.
13) Dirty Crime Scene.
14) Marriage Proposal.
15) Radiometric Dating.
16) Who Is More Likely To See The Difference In Males.
17) Modern Tools For Betterment.
18) Self Propelled Labor System.
19) Old Times Africans.
20) Same Sex Marriages.
21) Almost All Of Our Existence Will Be In Space. 22) Atomic / Antimatter / Quantum (Kiran Waves) weapons.
23) Life of Planet, Life of Sun, Life of Core.
Scroll Down For Full Description.
Gene Expressions:
1) Anxieties Of Selection (Anxiety Neural Circuits).
2) Tendency To Gain Weight (Fat Production).
3) Fur Color (Hair Color) Dominance of Males.
4) Hand Orientation & Fitness.
5) K9 Expression.
6) Disease Tolerance.
POSTED: AROUND 2004 MODIFIED: 12/09/2024
Arguments are defined as thought processes, for example an argument may lead to a good outcome or an argument may lead to a bad outcome. An example of a miss leading argument will be "The shorter the life, the fewer sins a person will commit". This will be a misleading argument that a religious person may follow, and think about ending their life soon. If one is not sure about an argument, like the argument is leading to reduction of life or oneself and that of others, then put the argument aside until enough knowledge is available. You can also consult people regarding this argument who may have knowledge about that argument, try to discuss any argument with multiple people to get the best conclusion. Some of the arguments listed below are surely ridiculous. But never the less once joined with emotions take up a more real meaning.
POSTED: AROUND 2004 MODIFIED: 12/09/2024
Everything must be thought logically based on Matter (Atoms) and Energy. No imaginary conclusions, only logical conclusions, based on current technology. If you are not sure about something ask someone, if you are still not sure set argument aside to be visited later. Keep all conclusions based on Matter & Energy.
POSTED: AROUND 2004 MODIFIED: 12/09/2024
Learn to think logically, not emotionally. I personally wrap my life around the following 4 points,
a) Our actions should be to increase our life and others. (Inventions, medicine, precautions, conflict resolution)
b) Our actions should be to make our life better and others. (Inventions, medicine)
c) Our actions should be to have children, and others can have too.
d) Go back to reason (a).
POSTED: AROUND 2004 MODIFIED: 12/09/2024
Generally speaking, any condition, or any thing is better known, then kept a secret. If this is not done, wrong will prosper and will lead to society's collapse. Put it simply knowledge is power.
POSTED: AROUND 2004 MODIFIED: 12/09/2024
Half the distance from our sun, to the sun of another "Live" planet around us in all directions is ours. The matter that is in this space, and all matter that arrives in our space is ours. If the planet does not have intelligent life, it can be taken for resources, after it has spent all its life with no emergence of intelligent life. All excess matter must be placed in a trajectory to reach the core of Milky Way Galaxy, to reduce stress on our black hole. This is not a necessary step, as our matter leaving our galaxy will reach some other galactic core, as we receive in ours. Andromeda is coming there is no lack of matter. Black holes are maintainable in a loop.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/09/2024
DNA Maintenance is very very crucial for a healthy living and brain functions. An un maintained person will be taken up by a different logic brain and can get consumed by it. For example, "there is nothing wrong with me, you are just being sarcastic", and may defend current condition emotions. At this time, reason for defend is rather Religion. So keep your thoughts in accordance with knowledge and science. We are all one being, product of our planet "Earth" of "Milky Way". However, we have to follow judicial process for corrections or we will not exists.
Good news, in our case, is that our "Chimp" was rather slow, our negative mutation will "Dull" majority of us. Watch YouTube videos of chimps, I will post some shortly. Our chimp was not exactly a velociraptor.
In space your maintenance package will take you up to 3 generations back. Which means any disorder that is present for 3 generations have to be maintained using "Gap" going back 3 generations, Certain disorders, like mental fitness and such will be corrected immediately using 3 generations rule. or if resources are available may be correction on the way.
On Earth your maintenance package will be through DNA Tool for correction and may be using "Gap".
We are now a fully tooled society, pressures have reduced. Our prime selected already have a loss of fitness present, around 5 Million. Our secondary selected is un sorted, and may dissolve away. The way our prime selected and secondary selected are, we would not have this if it was not because of religion. Religion is like cancer of society.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/09/2024
Use Dry / Wet / Dry for cleaning after defecation. Dry after urination. After urination, one can place a small cloth or tissue, to collect after urination discharge. Some urine do discharge later. This will prevent urine discharge from getting on cloths. Change this cloth or tissue after every urination. Wash hands properly, with soap, afterwards. Use warm water if possible.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/09/2024
It is lot better to kiss babies / kids on the cheeks or forehead compared to lips. Keeps communicable diseases from spreading.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/09/2024
9) RAPE:
(This applies to adults) Rape of a female is classified as unwanted sexual advancements and acts may be leading to penetration. A female can go through a trauma and may not realize a rape have occurred for a while. A female can report a rape up to 20 years after its occurrence. The judicial system must accumulate evidence and properly carry out punishments. At this time it is recommended to increase charges if there is aggravated assault resulting in physical trauma or death or home invasion resulting in rape. In case of males 10 year to report a rape. Rape of a female by a male is felony. It is not female's responsibility to raise a child born out of a Rape. It is the responsibility of the biological father to raise the child, if not it will be local government responsibility to raise the child. There may not be access to abortion in certain locations. Self abortion is not advised as it may cause a damage to female reproductive organs. This applies to any age female. Additional charges may apply if drugs are used.
Rape of a male by a female to be classified misdemeanor and will require proofs of immobility of the male. Immobility using drugs carry felony charge as it may cause brain and other organ damage or death. Depressants like alcohol may be ok. Any child born out of this rape will be responsibility of the female to raise.
Rape of under puberty age by a female not to be classified as rape, as evolutionary warmth is needed. For most part it is cuddling. Leave at the consent of female/ / male Parent / Guardian or family matter government sector. Different males have different raising requirements & procedures up to 8 years of age.
Any commitment / marriage / sex between siblings, mothers & sons, daughters and fathers is not allowed. Cases where force is used, must be treated as rape. This applies to adults.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
A temporary marriage is a marriage for a defined amount of time. This is not a substitution for sex if one is married. A temporary marriage give a little freedom while keeping marriage restraints, if one desires. All marriage conditions apply. This is also to make available pleasures of life to those who exist and are capable but not capable enough to carry out succession through marriage. Following conditions apply in case of temporary marriage,
a) Must be adult 25 years of age of older. Age difference in temporary marriage is not required both need to be adults.
b) Must be government controlled.
c) No children allowed.
d) No anal penetration allowed. Can give rectal / penal cancer and other diseases.
e) In case of married couples, both must be in agreement, and can only be once a year for no more then 48 hours duration. Can be for both male & female. Separated couples cannot do a temporary marriage. They must either reconcile or divorce within 6 months. The couples must end marriage properly so they both are free to make other arraignments. If a male or female is suffering from a sexual dysfunction like in male case there is ED. In this case the number of temporary marriages can go up to 6 per year, must have a doctor's diagnosis.
f) Can be for financial gains.
g) Person's involved in temporary marriage cannot marry, unless both the individuals involved are not married.
h) Unmarried individuals can do a temporary marriage for no more then 72 hours. License must renew for each additional segment. Unmarried person can marry and unmarried temporary marriage person.
i) Must be outside of city limits away from residential areas. In case of ships, will be posted in ships article.
j) No same sex temporary marriage is allowed. One can have a same sex relationship if two people involved prefer. This relationship must have no impact on Marriage or commitment. (No same sex permanent marriage or commitment allowed) A same sex commitment means having kids by using tools. Natural commitments only. Under certain circumstances, tooled self commitment is allowed. Like death of a partner, death of a child, negative mutation leading to loss of fitness (Female giving birth to herself, or a gain in fitness male or female through surrogate female. The surrogate must be compensated properly.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
One may ask why not make a mosaic of people in a ship? Like evenly distribute males of different selections? This will not work, there will be enough disturbance and infringements on each other's selection. Females will not like either, the males will be, under known knowledge, different from each other. A large number of Most "I" & Certain "O" with small numbers of other selections wont work either, the others will be under knowledge different and weak. Females will not like this situation either. A lot of work is physical. Under ship conditions reduction in appetite may occur, males will be visibly and under known knowledge different. Then there are other behaviors as well. Similar will work, very different will not work. Besides, we have to maximize fitness for best chances of survival here on Earth & Space.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
Salivation occurs when a person, both males and females think about either food or sex. Food related salivation is mostly not noticed, a person will not think actively about their state of salivation. But, while conversation with someone of opposite sex may lead to salivation due to integrated functions of the brain, even if the person is not trying to display it or are interested. In this case just make it obvious and gobble down the saliva expressively, otherwise your language and thought in hand will get affected. Salivation will occur more if the topic have something to do with food or sex and specially if the conversation is lengthy. Salivation affect must be kept in mind and make sure it is not affecting selection criteria.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
A dirty crime scene occurs when a person performs aggravated assault using weapon of opportunity like a stone or a hammer. Such a display is that of K9 aggression. A dirty crime scene will have blood all over, the person involved may not clean themselves afterwards, and may eat at the crime scene and not call police. This display is not related to socio-economic status. In case if a person is involved in a dirty crime scene, do DNA and determine gene expressions, also determine criminal activity by other close related individuals to exclude or include gene transmission. Large K9s may not indicate K9 expressions, are mostly in males. Such a lineage will have to take "Gap". All criminal activity must go through judicial process and given appropriate punishments regardless of gene expressions. Living arraignments, of such a person, should be such to avoid repeated offense.
One way to recognize K9 aggression in the making is to see if the person is slapping hard, mostly, not punch. A very hard slapper that will put marks on face and body may ultimately drift towards K9 aggression. Slapping is on a weaker person compared to punching. Most K9 aggression will be towards a weaker person like a female or a weak or equal male. Person with K9 aggression will loose sense during these events. May accompany by blurred vision. Such person have to take "Gap".
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
Dating is public, Marriage is public, Marriage proposal is not. Why? puts unduly pressure on the recipient of the proposal. Proposals can go both ways, both males and females can propose each other. The best option is to propose in a private setting. Mediated proposal is ok too. Like parents visiting home for proposal, or asking through a friend or family member. Under any case, proposals are best kept private. Once a proposal is accepted, make it public. The recipient should have the option to go over proposal at their own accord. Also, getting rejected in public is not good either for the one proposing.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
Radiometric dating is not the regular dating between people but it is the procedure through which age of an item is determined to be how old it is. If an age of an item is found to be very old, post it as such. The radiometric dating is pretty accurate, under our current understanding, civilization is relatively new. It is not, it dates back quite a bit. So if an article is found, like a "Kernel of Corn" or "Cotton" or "Human Remains" to be very old, do not make a conclusion that it must be from recent times. However, make sure to double check result and do the science behind it.
POSTED: 12/06/2022 MODIFIED: 01/12/2025
European Selection males are more likely to see the difference among males based on selection faster then anyone else. Why? Most are already aware of behavior difference. Most are in a large size clan and will call their clan as people of soft behavior. Men know bathroom manners of each other, they will distinguish pretty much immediately. They may see a male of other regions as a bit rough person. A clan that is sitting in isolation will be fastest to recognize, both males and females alike. Most males of EuS are not street fighters, most will organize an organized police force. Most will form a well organized army.
Oriental Selection will recognize fast too. But they will recognize based on country or their region. They are aware of different men. Most males of OrS are not street fighters, most will organize a organized police force. Most will form a well organized army.
Modern females that belong to EuS clans will recognize fast or will be already aware depends on how clan is organized. Most females look at general behavior differences and are not aware of clans specially of EuS, Male clans is not much of a topic. They are not aware of bathroom manners too. Most women will think a dirty underwear is pretty much everyone, or a clean is pretty much everyone. Most females will take time to understand selections or anything due to integrated function of Resist Change Anxiety. Resist Change Anxiety causes a delay due to resist in change. This is essential integrated function of brain that makes a society more analytical in nature. Means issues get analyzed prior to implementation. Then there is Force Anxiety. Most modern females will resist a force. This is essential function, as the person involved will have to explain a situation in an understandable manner. Most Modern Females express Force & Resist Change Anxiety by grabbing something, like a purse, or another known person. Resisting grab may lead to shaking and voice shaking or slow speech. Response is elevated once issue is resolved. The reason why this is mentioned is to ensure a continued participation of individuals in a conversation. Means if your voice is shacking, don't worry about it, get the point across for resolution and keep participation. EuS have both of the above anxieties. Most "I" adults will raise voice and may push, Most "I" tend to cluster based on relationship and ideology. Certain "O" adults will raise voice & show gesture with hands, Certain "O" will follow a stronger male in large groups. All others, depends on socio economic status. Most will follow a stronger male in small groups. Almost all of us will understand logic if explained in a proper manner. Most females consider men to be similar based on physical characteristics like skin color, but do distinguish manners very well. Certain manners and expressions that males show, may get classified as just "acting like that" like seriousness, laughter. Modern females residing in poor regions will recognize males of Most "I" & off course Certain "O" as different. May call male faces as fresh more healthy, may hesitate Certain "O" due to oriental eyes. If manners are present, family structure is intact, Certain "O" is a good choice. Most "I" males will readily marry a modern female residing in such regions as long as they are educated, and parents are in agreement. Most "I" & Certain "O" will allow continued education in most cases after marriage. All others may allow in occasional cases.
Most males of any other selection will recognize once they are explained clan structure and people belonging to it. Most men are aware that particular people are, lets say good in math, or are educationally sound based on a region. At this time religion plays a role. Like Jews are well educated, Muslims of Indonesia are better educated Muslims.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
Modern tools like surgery, medications, DNA modifications are allowed and required. Most new procedures are also part of intrigue and makes us proceed towards betterment. There experimental usage and implements are allowed and that is what makes us intelligent beings.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
Self propelled labor system is, when the labor is self propelled. Means time share or younger people assigned work that adults do not have time for. General labor can be made mandatory for all, like serving 1 month a year on a farm, or other odd jobs. Standard deviation will take care of the rest. Applies to both males and females according to strength requirements. Under any circumstances best fitness must reside within a narrow margin. As far as I know, Most "I" & Certain "O" tend to do most types of jobs in and out of home. However, everyone aims for higher goals. One can keep the goals and become part of self propelled labor system.
In ancient times when selections are more apart this was the likely system of labor. Then once a selection grows, institutions become more defined based on liking and labor gets distributed on its own based on standard deviation and assignment and negative mutations. Such population have this manner of removing negative mutations as a less person ends up taking risky jobs. At this point we have a high population of negative mutation of Most "I" that should have been very less or non existence. Jobs to be filled according to liking and capabilities, standard safety equipment to be provided. Then introduction of safety tools distributes labor more evenly, DNA maintains the population and subatomic particle physics is achieved.
Due to religion we have an uneven distribution of skilled to non skilled labor leading to high crime rate. Means we have segment of population that have no work. Skilled to non skilled distribution for a robust modern city is around 30 % non skilled labor, and 70 % skilled labor. A non skilled labor is one that would be putting seeds in the ground, a skilled will harvest (without breaking the produce), remove dirt & impurities, prepare for food grade, package and sell in market. There is a little non skilled here and there for help. A well maintained society will achieve this on its own merits, without the need for keeping a less person. Keeping a less person intentionally is not humane. A skilled person can act as a non-skilled one, does not work vice versa.
Most "I" & Certain "O" societies are pretty good at honoring merits. Lets say there is a country with just Most "I". Merits now will be more narrow, for example, in a class of Algebra, where all students are at similar pace, grade "A" will be the top 1% instead of top 10%. Another way to put this is, lets say grade "A" is 90 points and above, in a well versed society grade "A" will be 98 points and above. Then there is time share labor. Instead of 40 hours work week, there can be 20 hours work week. Means any professional is hired to work 20 hours per week instead of 40 hours per week.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 01/12/2025
Most people in pretty much in "United States" and certain regions of "Europe", consider Most "I" to be present day Africans married to light Modern Female. Certain "O" just came around on their own with no help from Africa. We all are Africans, but Most "I" differentiated long long time ago prior to advent of tools, and is the reason behind modern tools. Certain "O" a little later and needs sorting. One can spread tools here and there, but, as part of Most "I" influence.
All men carry X chromosome as part of autosome. The dispersal of Autosome through males works just the same way as females. Autosome dispersal have no impact on "Y". The differentiation occurred long time ago on the "Y". The only way not to get fitness up is either through pressure or DNA Tool. If I were you, I will take the tool. I am not sure if Modern female will participate in this pressure process. All selections have to come up with max fitness of that selection. There maybe more then 1 max fitness for a selection. Our DNA is all chopped up to get any more genes specially on "Y". Consult a genetic counselor and show them this document. Then decide if that fitness is good enough for Quantity & Quality of life, both here on Earth & in Space. Males must be connected through separation anxiety or structured society will not form. We are all humans and have brains that go with it. Most of us will get to a grade level prior to calculus if nurtured properly. However, programming skills alone cannot lead to structured society, need other emotional and strength aspects too. Space is very very precession living, and will require fitness in a narrow margin and maintained there.
POSTED: 12/06/2022 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
There is no such thing as same sex marriages. A marriage should and must lead to commitment. Commitment in same sex require tools for child birth. However, if someone wants to sit in similar sex environment they can, without a marriage license.
For reproduction, one have to have transfer mechanism and one with vagina. To produce about 1/2 of each, there must be a separate differentiating chromosome, which is current "Y". So under any case, if a female turns into a male or a male turns into a female, about 1/2 have to be born with vagina and 1/2 with penis. Which is exactly the same as now.
Same sex marriages may be due to current conditions and mismatched couples. Females and certain males have a shut off signal that is brain induced & integrated. Once activated it takes time to get excitement again. If excitement is absent in lineage (Gap, or currently can give birth to yourself with or without modifications). Remember the good old Most "I", they have shut off too, not sure about certain "O", takes time for excitement. Most "I" will move back a little bit, then move forward, mostly its faster then females. Shut off causes sexual desires to end, and may lead to hyperventilation or distorted speech. Remember in space your maintenance package will take you up to 3 generations back. Which means any disorder that is present for 3 generations have to be maintained using "Gap". Average vagina can stretch up to mostly 8". Certain males have erection issues due to "lineage" large penis sizes (Gap), then some of us may have lineage straightness issues (Gap), excitement may take longer. Females can develop vaginal damage that may require surgery or treatment. May cause damage to penis and may require surgery. In case of married couples, come up with a decent number per month decide on your own. One can do oral and massages more often.
The current match is Most "I" and Certain "O" with Modern Female. We want to keep reproduction natural and have a pleasure full life.
Same sex fun is ok, and nature uses it for learning purposes, as long as there is no anal penetration, or artificial vaginal penetration, can lead to damage to reproductive organs and spread of diseases.
POSTED: 12/06/2022 MODIFIED: 01/15/2025
Since Betelgeuse is about to explode, we will more then likely survive Betelgeuse, but, we will not survive Andromeda. Keeping Betelgeuse in mind, lets start or departure aimed at 10,000 years, just incase if our Sun shifts, in this case Earth may shift from its orbit. Andromeda is a huge collision with debris flying all over the space. We need a lot of planning to set a course and avoid being annihilated. Therefore, we will have to make sure our ship's residents are in good health most of the time. We do not want to have family issues during our flight, and good healthy work force.
Currently we have Weather back to default coming.
POSTED: 01/02/2023 MODIFIED: 12/11/2024
Atomic / Antimatter / Quantum (Kiran Waves) weapons comes way further down in planetary development, and are part of global defense, not internal defense. Internally we are all one beings of Earth and science "DNA" determines our fate, so we use the DNA tool for our betterment. Atomic / Antimatter / Quantum (Kiran Waves) are for asteroids and other planetary invasion, if needed. Atomic or antimatter will only give us Cancer and cause us to annihilate ourselves. Atomic , Antimatter, Kiran waves are help full in certain ways, all technologies have good and bad. Swords, light weapons for self defense only. Globally we are a growth, just like a Rice field, but one with a brain, makes a growth into people. Swords and stone tools were a part of growth that causes increase in our body mass and strength and intelligence growth, this was thousands of years ago during our planetary development. Light weapons for hunting and self defense in case of clear & present danger. Larger weapons for planetary defense and our growth into space.
POSTED: 02/01/2024 MODIFIED: 01/15/2025
A life, any life, specially intelligence bearing, can be divided into the following 3 categories,
a) Life of Planet.
b) Life of Sun.
c) Life of Core.
a) Life of Planet.
Life of planet is one who needs a planet for survival. Will function properly at planetary level. Needs gravity of certain strength. Body heat generation and programming skills restrictions apply.
b) Life of Sun.
Life that makes it out into space, gets out of the planet. Life of Sun is mostly for those that have restrictions in body heat generation, need a Sun close by for heat and gravity purposes. Low body fat content also applies. Possibly a short & thin stature person. The life may have programing skills or construction skill restrictions that prevents them from advancements into Life of Core.
c) Life of Core.
Life of Core is one which have high body fat content, produce more heat, have strong bones and very good programing skills. This is the life we fit into. We means I-M223 or like, under whom can sustain other life. Strong fat producing bodies, with high programming skills to sustain life and interact with other beings.
POSTED: 11/07/2023 MODIFIED: 01/04/2024
a) Resist Change Anxiety:
Resist change is not the same as separation anxiety. Resist change would implement in writing something or an ideology.
b) Force Anxiety:
c) Compulsive Anxiety: Note 1
Causes focus.
d) Separation Anxiety: Note 2
e) Sexual Anxiety: Note 6
f) High Anxiety: Note 3
g) Fight Anxiety: Note 4
h) Flight Anxiety: Note 5
POSTED: 10/05/2023 MODIFIED: 01/04/2024
Tendency to gain weight is another one of those features that are necessary in space life. What happens when food is digested and incorporated into body, a portion if it is stored as fat. This fat is stored in fat tissue that tend to increase size as fat is produced and stored for later use. This is very essential as fats are necessary for agility and stamina for work to be performed. If the genes have less coding for fat tissue, there maybe a constant decline in fat, where most of the food will be converted to proteins in form of muscles. Say for instance, there are 100 people living in space. Lets say there is one born that have mutation and is less then parents or even standard deviation of same. This kid will grow and hold onto fats that are needed by rest of the group. Now upon death this person will give back more proteins then fats. At this point conversion of proteins into fats have to occur to change proteins back into fats. This will now be a synthetic process and will require energy for conversion. Therefore, appetite of a person must be such that during later ages in life, the person must eat more to gain weight to produce fat for next generation to use.
In planetary development a time comes when enough technology is present to build cars and other means of transportation to give a negative selection towards those who have tendency to gain wait, this is only for a short duration of time as life again takes off into space where exertion becomes means to sustain life. However, even if one have tendency to gain weight, they must proceed to have a healthy eating style and exertion to remain fit. This does not affect your tendency to gain weight.
POSTED: 11/07/2023 MODIFIED: 01/04/2024
Adult (25 Years) hair color is predominantly a shade of brown or red depending on Mother's hair color. If Mother's hair color shows dominance it "maybe" a sign of negative mutation and or loss of fitness. Predominantly Most I produce shade of brown or black hair color. This is true with Most "I", Certain "O" and some males of other selections.
POSTED: 07/05/2024 MODIFIED: 01/04/2024
If normal walking orientation of hands is not sideways, but, palm of the hand is facing backwards, this may indicate either gene mutation leading to loss of fitness, as long as there is a transmission from parents to children.
POSTED: AROUND 2010 MODIFIED: 01/08/2025
K9 Expression is the presence of large K9's. This expression is mostly found in males. This expression may lead to violent criminal history. If one have K9 Expression, must do DNA and determine if "Gap" correction is needed.
POSTED: 01/08/2025 MODIFIED: 01/08/2025
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