By Kamran A. Naqvi. (DNA 23ANDME, FTDNA, YFull) Any ID discrepancies report to, or or your local law enforcement authority. Picture posted in "Contact US".
All Rights Reserved: Except for credits mentioned. View notes below. (Under Construction)
Begin work 2008. Site created 2020. Site Updated: 01/22/2025 06:19 AM
Kamran Naqvi, Chairman Global DNA Authority "Earth".
After reading through this site, take 10 days of time to go over. Go to any university that teach Biology and talk to a teaching assistance or a professor in Genetics. Give them the site address. Document is also listed on academia under my name. E-Mail me. I have discussed this with many many people of all selections, no one mind it, they all agree everyone needs maintenance. Many agreed on missing segment transfers OR removal of segments. Our world is like this. Maybe a very few may think otherwise due to religious influence or lack of information. Also everyone needs DNA maintenance regardless. In males the reduction in fitness is sudden and will lead to "Aggressive" or "Dull" & "Reduction In Intelligence". Long-term is autosomal health will lead to reduction in intelligence & fitness. In both cases we don't have a working Earth or Ships. Males of Most "I" & Modern Females carry the highest fitness, followed by & Certain "O" & Modern Females. There are certain lineages of "J" and maybe other Lineages here and there may carry fitness close to Most "I" or Certain "O". All have to take DNA test for fitness check and take "Gap" for correction.
Global Modern Female Selection.
Gene Modifications Through Males / 3.8 Billion *
6) Primary Selected "European Selection" (EuS) "I" Haplogroup.
7 Niches / 250,000 Years / 1.5 Billion Males *
5) Secondary Selected "Oriental Selection" (OrS) "O" Haplogroup.
5 Niches / 120,000 Years / 600 Million Males *
4b) Aborigine Selection (AbS). K & S Haplogroups.
4 Niches / 65,000 Years / 5 Million Males *
4) Indian Selection (InS). C, D, H, N, Q Haplogroups.
3 Niches / 60,000 Years / 600 Million Males *
3) Proto Indo Selection (PrS). "R" "r" Haplogroups.
3 Niches / 60,000 Years / 200 Million Males *
2) Arabian Selection (ArS). "J" Haplogroup.
4 Niches / 150,000 Years / 700 Million Males *
1) African Selection (AfS). "E" Haplogroup.
1 Niche / Point Of Origins / 200 Million Males *
* Numbers are approximates based on DNA data and Gene Expressions.
Primary Selected Male: A Primary Selected Male is one that have the maximum fitness among all male selections, carved by niches on Earth.
Secondary Selected Male: A Secondary Selected Male is one that have the second highest fitness among all male selections, carved by niches on Earth.
Global Modern Female Selection: A Global Modern Female Selection is selection of females that carry the highest fitness among all Females on Earth.
Maintenance Group: Maintenance group is a group of people that require DNA maintenance for DNA fault removal or insertion of missing segments. A maintenance group have similar members, with similar fitness.
Gap: Gap is a gap in generation or succession of a person belonging to a maintenance group.
Selection Criteria: Selection criteria are a number of criteria for selection of people for marriage and children.
Choice Criteria: In Ships "Selection Criteria" will become "Choice Criteria", as selection will be over and DNA tool will be used for maintenance. At this point we will follow 1/2 dumbbell curve from max fitness to standard deviation. We have to make sure Most "I" is 85% of total population.
Niches Of Selection: The distance traveled from point of origins, Africa, to their home locations and the number of niches crossed and time spent in each niche. (A Niche is a habitat, a segment of Earth with similar weather, trees and animals)
Khan: Is a noble person with better deeds. This is for distinction of the person of any male / female selection. This person may or may not carry fitness. If more descendants like Khan then DNA must be done for fitness assignment.
Aryan: Is a noble person with better deeds. This is for distinction of the person of any male / female selection. This person may or may not carry fitness. If more descendants like Aryan then DNA must be done for fitness assignment.
Ya Syeedi: Arabic for the lineage of Mr. Muhammed as honor. Is a noble person with better deeds. This is for distinction of the person of any male / female selection. This person may or may not carry fitness. DNA must be done for fitness assignment.
Read through selections below.
Please see attached map, above, prior to reading through this document.
See educational YouTube videos in Photos & Videos section. Read through document prior to watching videos.
See Photos of Primary Selected & Secondary Selected Males in Photos & Videos.
Life is chemistry of Carbon Atom.
People of Earth are,
Of Earth, Of Sun, Of Milky Way Galaxy, Of Milandro Galaxy, Of Universe. We are life in a loop. Living galaxy to galaxy big bang to big bang and loving it. And splitting into more galaxies.
A life, any life, specially intelligence bearing, can be divided into the following 3 categories,
a) Life of Planet.
b) Life of Sun.
c) Life of Core.
a) Life of Planet.
Life of planet is one who needs a planet for survival. Will function properly at planetary level. Needs gravity of certain strength. Body heat generation and programming skills restrictions apply.
b) Life of Sun.
Life that makes it out into space, gets out of the planet. Life of Sun is mostly for those that have restrictions in body heat generation, need a Sun close by for heat and gravity purposes. Low body fat content also applies. Possibly a short & thin stature person. The life may have programing skills or construction skill restrictions that prevents them from advancements into Life of Core.
c) Life of Core.
Life of Core is one which have high body fat content, produce more heat, have strong bones and very good programing skills. This is the life we fit into. We means I-M223 or like, under whom can sustain other life. Strong fat producing bodies, with high programming skills to sustain life and interact with other beings.
Earth and its productivity.
We can help you identify trends, understand behavior, and make informed strategic decisions.
A next generation of spaceship. Balkans-InterGalactic. Speed-O-Matic. Dual power. Quantum & Hydrogen.
Most "I" Selection classification is based on traits, "genetic expressions" that was collected over the past 16 years. Passage through niches depend on the Weather conditions around 250,000 years ago. Niches are habitats. 250.000 years is based on overlapping traits among selections, and current DNA data and Carbon dating and weather impact. In simplified language, man who gave birth to "I" started his journey 250,000 years ago in Africa who was "E" at that time. Most "I" is I-M223 or similar. A Most "I" child born by the end of 2024 is even longer comes out to 300,000 years.
Certain "O" Selection classification is based on traits "genetic expressions" that was collected over the past 16 years. Passage through niches depend on the Weather conditions around 120,000 years ago. Niches are habitats. 120.000 years is based on overlapping traits among selections, and current DNA data and Carbon dating and weather impact. In simplified language, man who gave birth to "O" started his journey about 120,000 years ago in Africa who was "E" at that time. Certain "O". A Certain "O" Child born by the end of 2024 is even longer comes out to about 160,000 years.
1) All Genetics companies must do courtship test on all sperm and egg donations for fitness check. Reason is genetics or we loose fitness and cease to exist.
2) Reduction in fitness will lead to either DNA tool correction, or reversal back to 3 generations. Reason is genetics or we loose fitness and cease to exist.
Please see attached map, above, prior to reading through this document.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/15/2024
This article is regarding human development and natural selection that leads to the development of Human Male and Female Genomes. Male development is different then female in a sense that male is the one that goes through more selective pressures. It is my hypotheses that male Y chromosome have a profound effect on male brain development specially Amygdala, that controls emotions. Amygdala and other male brain and physical fitness development, specially femur region, joints and body muscles, depends on the distance they have traveled from point of origins, Africa, to their home locations and the number of niches crossed and time spent in each niche. Femur, joints & muscles gives better weight lifting and agility making a male more work productive, and less fatiguing. This development is mostly in the early part of Human history when tools are basic stone. Each step of the way, from point of origins, DNA is modified to pave path to enter the next step with slightly different niche or the DNA may modify after the entrance into the niche, giving edge to a single person who then takes succession over others. This movement is extremely slow and hence is the DNA modification process, which can be by chance or due to environmental pressure. This occurs best when there are no or little tools present. The more the distance travelled, the more niches are crossed, the more impact on Brain & Body. This process is what a Geneticist will call "Process Of Speciation".
Then after the society get its tools, positive selection slows and effects of negative mutations increases, forcing the society to loose its fitness. Always remember, negative mutations are more common then positive ones, once selection pressures reduce due to tools. So therefore, once a portion of society reaches to the point of making sophisticated tools specially programming, it needs to be maintained to counter the effects of negative mutations. So therefore, after a while those who are left behind can receive DNA segments from the prime selected society members, through Global DNA Authority "Earth". In this manner a new selection is formed out of the original one, in this way the original can maintain its own identity. A "Prime Selected" society, especially "Male", is one who achieved enough modifications to make sophisticated tools. The prime selected male, have to be in certain numbers to make certain tools that require numbers to achieve. Therefore, there is time and people needed to go from Iron swords to computers. So once maximum is achieved the society needs to be maintained genetically or they will loose fitness. This maintenance is not only male Y but Autosome and Mitochondrial DNA too. Where there is DNA, there is Protein and hence its impact on Male & Female traits. Also, I think there maybe crime potential that can be addressed as well and overall fitness against infections and diseases.
Also, as people move from niches to niches in ancient times, new genes are inserted, the new gene position can also have an impact after tools are distributed. Say for instance, lets say a chromosome have 100 base pairs total, now lets assume a 10 base pair gene is inserted from position 30 to 39 in a niche. Now lets say another niche's adaptation have to add a 80 base pair gene, this wont happen as there is no place left on the 100 base pair chromosome to take a 80 base pair gene as there is a 10 base pair gene residing from position 30 through 39. Another thing that happens, by process of random mutation and chromosome segment loss, a person who have stayed long enough in a single niche will not have any place left to take up new genes if a niche is changed. Put it this way, once tools are achieved, the chromosomes become lesser and lesser likely to be able to take up new genes. Now, negative mutations take on a more profound impact. Therefore, changing niche after modernization have little or no impact for most. The process of gene mutations, and formation of new genes is best achieved in the very early development as there is extra DNA present in a chromosome to take up new genes.
One thing to remember here is that, modernization is a virtue of population. As population increases, more people move away from farming and begin to move towards other needs of live. Gradually as population increases, society goes from basic farming to high Tech. This transition depends on the original male selection.
Now lets look at all the Human Male Selections. We will discuss male selection, as male of human species takes most selection, and in turn leads to the modification of Male Y chromosome, Autosome and even Mitochondrial DNA. The more stable the male, the more stable will be the society. The male Y modification then in turn leads to the modification of the rest of the Autosomal DNA and even Mitochondrial DNA. In short Male Y is like Senate, and Autosomal DNA including X Chromosome is like House of representative. However, the impact can go from autosome to Y as well. Females also have a very profound impact on males as they are part of selection process. Males in turn have impact on females as well.
The location of common ancestor is probably on the African continent current day Egypt or Ethiopia rather then India. Although some may have travelled that far. This will be male "F" haplogroup.
Keep in mind, most spreading, out of Africa, occurred during glacier maximum when the weather is relatively warm mostly summer. Ocean levels are such that jumping land masses is relatively possible.
The estimated populations given below, are those of the Haplogroup, Not color or features. For example, one can run into a Oriental featured person who is J or I haplogroup. Current world population is 7.67 Billion (01/01/2020), out of which 1/2 are roughly males, comes out to 3.8 Billion males.) Also to determine a lineage fitness level best method will be to do DNA of Slums of the world of different regions. Genes on X and other Autosomes have impact on Females. MTDNA and its impact on Females & Males will be discussed later below. Male populations of different regions seems to follow similar traits even with different Females of different regions.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/13/2024
Criteria of selection is what to look for in a person before a commitment selection is made. This is very important as this is where fitness of our planet Earth depends. The following criteria seems to be a good part of selection, Always remember a female is at the receiving end of a bad selection. We were living in a pond and just entering ocean. Most people were simply not aware of selection. Religion was the governance still is in some people.
1) Strength
2) Agility
3) Programming Skills
4) Clan Size
5) Male Ego
6) Separation Anxiety
7) Nature
8) Skin Color
9) Sexual Desires
1) Strength:
Strength is on scale of 1 through 10, with 1 being lowest. Strength indicates a person's power that thighs and arms can apply. Also is the index finger and thumb. Thighs are used for lifting, Arms for lifting and holding, fingers and thumb for grip. Index finger and thumb are two most important fingers in a hand.
2) Agility:
Agility is on scale of 1 through 10, with 1 being lowest. Agility is how fast and jerky motion is. This is an important function as it makes a person work faster and work more. A high Agility is also indicative of high stamina, means sustained motion for a long period of time, without showing signs of exhaustion on face and body.
3) Programming Skills:
Programming Skills are on scale of 1 through 10. Programming skills (Like C, C++, not Java or HTML). Estimates indicate where most of the Programmers will be present. These are comparative numbers. The numbers are in a nut shell, standard deviation is omitted. The higher the programming skills are, the more bigger segment can be achieved. A Big Segment is combination of several small segments combined together. Most projects like Health Equipment are a big segment which in turn is a combination of several smaller segments. Need for a particular equipment is generated by a programmer with highest skills. Programming skills show how fast and effective a person's brain is, means how fast and affectively a situation is resolved. Programming skills also indication a person's memory. Good programming skills, the bigger the memory. Hence, to show programming skills, one have to do programming in C or C++ or a similar language.
Intrigue requires at least two concurrent thoughts and an overlaying thought to make sense out of anything.
For example, let say I look at a leaf, that is thought number 1, then the brain must have enough power to match it with its possible other uses like skin, this is thought number 2, and finally a overlaying though to make a stone cut into a leaf shape to take the skin off an animal. A person with at least 2 concurrent thoughts, and 1 overlaying thought is one with Intrigue giving birth to new inventions. A person with 3 concurrent (Simultaneous, at the same time) thoughts and 1 overlaying thought is a programmer or C or C++ type language.
4) Clan Size:
A clan is defined as a collection of closely related people in blood relation with each other, who know each other and keep in touch from time to time. Marriages too. Usually marriages are kept further apart in large clans, some maybe in close relation 1 generation apart.
Clan size is an indication of how strength full inter personal relationships are. A clan indicates how a society is structured and how much importance is given to relationships like brothers, sisters, parents, children, uncles and so on. In absence of a clan, society becomes sporadic and week. Members of sporadic society move easily and tend to live alone or maybe with a single female or a male partner. A clan have both male and females in relationship with each other. This makes it better for two or more clan interaction. Put it this way, if you have respect for your uncle and his wife, you are likely to respect someone else’s uncle & wife. Also in the same manner one can determine how successful members of a clan are, that are in DNA relation with each other. A clan is one, a portion of it, will be formally invited to a person's wedding. Most weddings in large clans are like pot luck. The invited people will pay a portion for your day in history. Clan size is arranged in following order,
1 = Parents & Siblings.
2 = Grand Parents & Descendants.
3 = Great Grand Parents & Descendants.
4 = Great Great Grand Parents & Descendants.
5 = Great Great Great Grand Parents & Descendants.
5) Male Ego:
Male ego is the expression of male traits, like seriousness, relationship with female, family orientation. Male Ego in Most "I" and (to some degree is Certain "O") is more influenced by mothers. This male ego affect tend to show up in how the face takes shape based on emotions, also affects facial & physical gestures. Arabian, African, Proto Indo & Indian Selections tend to express more of physical genes of mothers like hair, skin color, certain facial features. Their "Y" seems to express more of behavioral genes (Or absence of certain genes on "Y"), Male Ego, from father, and certain other traits. Nothing seems to have a permanent impact on this, not religion, not training. Only selective pressure will determine that or much much better will be DNA. Put it this way, our great great ancestor had 2 sons. One made a right turn and ended up in "Europe" or "Orient", the other made a left turn. Also we are all deteriorating due to negative selection and presence of tools, therefore absence of pressure. So selections have to decide about where they want to be maintained and make their own arrangements for it, before the K9s increase size, the closer to origins you are the sooner they will increase size or behavior will become more aggressive or dull (Reduction in Strength, Agility & Programming Skills). K9s may not increase due to certain gene expression loss, but behavior will. If one comes to "European Selection" they will be taken to max fitness of this selection and they will have to do DNA and put "DNA Modification Allowed" for the betterment of our planet Earth. For example "Of Arabian By European". Also, to remove the impact of negative selection, selective pressures must be applied and maintained using DNA tool.
Male Ego will be listed from scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. Standard deviation is omitted.
6) Separation Anxiety:
Separation anxiety occurs when a known acquaintance is separated. This is an integrated function of the brain and many outcomes in our daily lives are due to separation anxiety, could be a broken tool, death of a loved one, divorce, a new knowledge that is deviation from existing, just to name a few. Separation anxiety combined with male ego have certain outcomes. Females have separation anxiety too, like visiting parents and siblings after marriage. Females for most part do pay or want to pay visit to the parents or siblings or old friends. They tend to alter behavior based on current conditions emotions. Males of most "I" have similar separation anxieties. One way to tell separation anxiety strength is to see how often kids up to the age of 8 cry due to separation, like going to school, being pushed over or made to sleep in a separate bedroom. Male clan size also depends on strength of separation anxiety. A high male ego and low separation anxiety may result in a bitter divorce where money or other reason may play a higher role or entrance of another partner.
European Selection have huge clans due to same reason. Females are attached through a gene pool. Same is true with all as females are common. 95.00% females are Modern and are born like listed below.
Separation anxiety is listed from scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. Standard deviation is omitted.
7) Nature:
Look for nature of the person. How people skills are. Usage of slangs? How often? And so on. What things are bothering? Like starting a fight over $5.00. Cleanliness. See how clear the language skills are, like use of short forms. Holding genitals in public. This is primitive function. All of these are integrated functions, will show up in daily life. Cleanliness is important and will cause a emotional disturbance. Which is very much so.
8) Skin Color:
Skin color is one of the criteria one can follow. However, since this is one of the physical characteristics, and males are different and follow into different selections, ask for or wait for the person to tell you about their selection. If not ask for other members of the clan. Your social structure depends on it. Support of other females and what not. Also shows if the male is family oriented. A weak selection that is growing under a stronger selection merits is actually loosing fitness faster and is also affecting the fitness of stronger selection. European selection is mothers, female functions are integrated and have little or no impact of physical characteristics. As long as the female is Modern, European selection is in good shape. If a European selection is sitting in light skinned culture, every so often a darker shade may be born. The second in line is the Oriental Selection. So make your best judgements. Remember no commitment is better then bad commitment.
9) Sexual Desires:
Sexual desires is a valid selection criteria. Physical looks, body and such can play a role. However, this need to combine with other criteria to make better judgements about a person both males & females. There will be a family of human raising. "Salivation" occurs when a person, both males and females think about either food or sex. Food related salivation is mostly not noticed, a person will not think actively about their state of salivation. But, while conversation with someone of opposite sex may lead to salivation due to integrated functions of the brain, even if the person is not trying to display it or are interested. In this case just make it obvious and gobble down the saliva expressively, otherwise your language and thought in hand will get affected. Salivation will occur more if the topic have something to do with food or sex and specially if the conversation is lengthy. Salivation affect is not the only selection criteria, although it can be part of altogether selection criteria.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/13/2024
A gap in selection occurs when a male or female have to take up gap in succession due to a DNA fault. This occurs when the DNA of a person have degraded and modifications are needed. In case of males, mutations leading to loss of fitness are mostly sudden. If not handled properly will lead to more progeny / children with same or more fault. Put it this way, my own son's son or daughter's daughter may be taking the "Gap" if a fault have occurred.
At current time, all males of any other selection must take "Gap". Another thing one can do is to have just 1 baby, boy or girl. If girl is born ask the person to take gap. Still apply high standards of selection.
If a boy is born, boy may need to take the "Gap". All individuals including Most "I" & Certain "O" must do DNA for fitness check.
Those who do not have a natural descendant, can take the "Gap" option. Including Most "I" & Certain "O" & Modern Female. Or female can give birth to herself for carry on if possible. All you have to do is to do DNA and put "DNA Modifications Allowed" in notes section of application. If you reside in a low income country, ask country officials or rich for help. Establish a charity for DNA test help.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Remember pressure builds people. Best method will be to apply pressure like additional test for a particular job. If one denies DNA upgrade, make arrangements for a transfer into separate land zones of similar males, where they will have to build their own culture. Zones of selection could be a portion of city, suburb, or city, if not, original niche can become zone too. In creating zones, make sure to separate males based on haplogroups, so they wont infringe on each other's selection. Most females are Modern and are part of Modern society, they can choose to stay or leave as they are common. Upon last call to leave Earth, all males & females have to take the upgrade option no exception. Some of the judicial system may have to alter to make room for Zones Of Selection.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Age of selection is when a person is classified as an adult who can marry without parental or legal guardian consent. In present day society with tools, most people will live longer and reach 80 years of age or more. Best age to be classified as an adult can now increase to 25 years, as this will give time for the person to complete education and make critical decisions regarding starting a family. Marriage starts on the day of marriage, commitment starts on the birth of the first child and last up till the child is adult. Marriage can end, commitment cannot. All matters of the child are to be handled by biological parents, unless a judge indicates otherwise. Means going to school meetings, hospital visits and such. Age difference in a marriage to be around 10 years.
POSTED: AROUND 2022 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
There is no courtship present in Sperm Donor Selection, so must take additional steps for viability. Male sperm, as a donor, by a single female is strictly prohibited, unless the donor is well known. If the donor is not known can only be conducted via Geneticist for viability and selection. A female can only give birth to herself or another girl / boy from a well known donor. Courtship must ensure, like meeting parents, siblings, uncles, knowing each other. If courtship is not present a male sperm must be checked for viability and should carry additional steps for validation of the donor through closely related males to establish genome expression. The geneticists must charge donor for viability check, including physical deformation & mental state or they will end up increasing burden on society and generating off springs that are less then parents. Donor program only applies at this point in time for correction and upgrade. Females are less likely to find Donors from "European Selection" and "Oriental Selection". Best option would be to give birth to yourself (if there is enough resources available) or a girl from a well known donor. Under any circumstances if a girl / boy is selected, do courtship with the donor for viability. All parents have a responsibility to make offspring that is equal to or better then themselves. Male and Female of any selection must do DNA for sequence and their contribution towards our planet Earth. Most males in other selections, will be willing to take the DNA upgrade as long as they are explained the impact well. If you are a couple, you can talk to your partner about male gamete upgrade. However, at this point in time, this options is not available, or is available at a high cost, so talk about having a baby girl or 1 child, and have the partner leave DNA sequence for "Gap". Explain them this is just a "Gap" in succession. If they prefer not to leave DNA for upgrade, both should leave DNA for the betterment of our planet Earth, to determine gene expressions in our gene pool. This will offset the population with more females then males. Worry not at this time, we need the correction, in couple of generations, the numbers will balance. The upgrade includes the following,
1) Cryptochrome Denaturation Upgrade.
2) Male Y Gamete Upgrade.
3) Autosomal Genes Upgrade For Cancer, Body Fat, Bone Density And Such.
4) Mitochondrial DNA upgrade.
Have to be really careful about the body fat upgrade, as fats are needed for ATP production and growth. Exercise daily for healthy lifestyle.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
1/3 rd land & 2/3 rd water to 2/3 rd land & 1/3 rd water. Part short part long term transition. Weather back to default. (Coming Soon)
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Keeping selective pressures while pressures are reduced or are getting reduced is very important. What this means is there will be more females then males in the world for a while to come. A better arrangement would be slightly more males then females or at least equal. However, in current conditions, and time to come, there can be no reduction in selective pressures or we will loose fitness as a result. Our quantity and quality of life will reduce. Economics will become troublesome and expenditures related to security, safety & healthcare will increase. Social security is under stress too. There will be segment of society with reduced pressures that will pass genes on, affecting all of us. At this point in time, any male / female possible should do DNA and leave note "DNA Modification Allowed" in notes section of the DNA test application. Such male / female can then go on with productive life towards the betterment of our planet Earth.
Females have the additional option to give birth to themselves and raise a single parent family. Any family of Most "I" & Certain "O" with max fitness, like family structure and number of good successors can increase number of males if possible. All numbers of any other selection present currently will be exactly duplicated. Only those who leave DNA with note will be modified for and formed into functional Homes, Clans, Culture & Selection. All females to keep high standard for selection no matter what. All parents to help maintain high standards. No polygamy as it disturbs family structure. One thing to do is to give birth to yourself and move on till fair grounds in couple of generations leave DNA for modifications. See who will take to meet family, siblings and other members. Pay special attention if spouse / girlfriend of a person is missing or deceased. No commitment is better then bad commitment your succession may stop suddenly. If the partner agrees to male Gamete upgrade, then it will be at female's consent to do so. Male Gamete Upgrade is not available at this time. Consider having one child if not Most "I" and Certain "O". Raise a single girl / boy family, ask partner to take "Gap". All countries should stop immigration for anyone except for adult (25 Years) Modern Females, Most "I" and Certain "O", if there is space. If a female do select someone out of selection, and there is allowed movement, the male must take "Gap". All minors asking for entry must be accompanied by an adult 25 years of age. Enforce selection within using DNA Tool. All business to be conducted as is. All Business Visa, Visit Visa to be as is, Etc. Males of Most "I" and Certain "O" should establish into developing countries to apply selective pressures so best people can emerge out. Get into perishable goods like soaps, shoes etc. 1/8 of administrative management to be Most "I" or Certain "O" the rest locally hired. If 1/8 company is not Most "I" & Certain "O", the company may not increase size. Increase population to keep pressures intact. More DNA upgrades maybe needed for proper built for life here on Earth and Space without the use of lot of medicines or surgery. The least the better. DNA upgrades using DNA tool is just like passing genes through marriage. Autosomal genes only need to be inserted in a small population, they spread out through marriages.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
A home is where children are born and raised. A person is classified as married once a marriage is commenced and recorded. A commitment occurs once a child is born. Marriage can be ended, however, a commitment cannot be ended up un till the child is at the legal age of 25 years. If in a marriage 2 children are born, one boy and one girl, then boy carries father's succession in all cases (Y Chromosome). Girl carries mother's succession in all cases (MTDNA). In case of Most "I" mother's behavioral genes are expressed, not sure if there is cross over or not at this point in time. However, both children, Boy or Girl, are a unique combination of DNA that both parents have contributed so they are children of them and only them. Both, Boy or Girl are father's children, and Mother's Children. On Earth, certain pressures can take away a person's succession based on fitness level or accidents too, like natural diseases, accidents, crime victim, no male or female born. However, if one have the resources, they can restore a person's succession, or give them a carry on incase of marriage failure for future success. An identical twin is almost one person but two individuals. They each are separate and carry their own successions. Our goal should be to keep every person's successions in space & on Earth as much intact as possible, as they are a unique lineage of a human, stands for both males and females.
A Clan is of closely related individuals in blood relationship with each other. A clan is of males with attached females. The upper limit on clan is 100,000 males and females, after which a new clan should be formed.
A culture is of several clans combined together. At this point a culture can be a combination of Most "I" & Certain "O" clans or each separate forming a culture. All other selections are currently a maintenance group of one of the above unless a group is identified as a selection carrying a good fitness level, connected and capable to care for themselves. A culture can be named after a country. For example "Japanese" or "Serbian" or "Mexican" culture and so on. A culture will have their own combined governance in space. All have to fall under GDA "Earth".
A selection is a collection of Males & Females that belong to a productivity of Earth prior to advent of major tools. A selection can be formed currently using DNA tool. Like "Of Arabian By European" or "Of Proto Indo By European" or "By Oriental". Since European Selection carries highest fitness, its numbers should be kept around at least 85% of the total population.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Current Condition Emotions is defined as a condition resulting in emotions, a person, male or female is residing in. Both Males and Females have different and combined Current Condition Emotions. Partner’s Death, separation, divorce, living conditions, Religion, Children, Parents or Siblings, Female to Male Affect, have impact on “Current Condition Emotions”. Also there are impacts of Male Y, Autosome & Female MTDNA impact.
To possibly remove some of current conditions emotions, show this site to your potential partner. Comment at
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
The main cause behind female to male affect is the religious belief that "All men & women are created equal". This causes a belief in most males and females that selection have no or minimal impact on a population. We are just understanding the impact of niches on living being, humans are no exception. Definitely all people are equal, but selection still have to be conducted for proper population growth. Y have a large impact, and must be maintained or society will loose fitness, resulting in weaker sporadic growth. Applying pressures, does not degrade a person's integrity. They just have to take selective pressures for growth and maturation or take up DNA tool as a work around, which is the best option. For example, lets say I have 2 sons. One is equal or more, the other one is less and have a mutation, I would really really want a correction. Same is true for my daughters. If a person do not want to take DNA Tool, they will have to take selective pressures, where only one may end up better at the cost of 99,999.00. That mutation may lead the person into prison or take up lesser position in society. Prison is part of selection. A person becomes part of 99,999.00. Judicial is equal for all no matter what.
Female to male affect is due to a segment transfer or loss ( If Loss with few master genes to affect autosome and X to explain I-L699 more like Arabian and is Fathers. Loss of fitness.) on "Y" that may possibly be crossing over. Most "I" tend to express more of mother's behavioral genes, not sure about Certain "O", increase in agility could be the reason.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
(Coming Soon)
Female is common and is greatly affected by “Current Condition Emotions”. Means the state of being that a Female is present in. According to me and several sources, the following applies to 95.00% of Females world wide. Unique is Mitochondrial DNA, and common Autosomal DNA. Partner’s Death, separation, divorce, living conditions, Religion, Children, Parents or Siblings have impact on “Current Condition Emotions”. 95.00% females are modern and prefer clean and even paved roads or pathways. Most females prefer city life. In rural regions prefer to leave for cities. Most prefer cement floor homes. Females are the first line of defense against negative male selection and their own. Since a female is the one who handles a person on 24/7 bases, she is at the receiving end of a improper selection of male, and may leave others in similar conditions. Males of most "I" & certain "O" and Females tend to have a higher tendency of personal and other person's observation. In a tooled society DNA maintenance must be performed using DNA technology tools. In space, every 10 or so generations as there will be limits on resources, unless a female or a male indicates otherwise. Where ever a female is born she is mostly like explained below. Females have lineages. If there is a mismatch that could be due to reduction in fitness of either male or female. Male reduction of fitness comes more sudden. On Earth there is police, in space there will be no police or a non-affective local police, incase of weak clan. A established clan of males and females will handle any short comings and maintain fitness back to original. If a clan is weak, GDA "Earth" will then have to remove the female / male or bring order. If police is put in ships, they will have to be of prime selected or secondary selected clans to bring order properly. Therefore we will have to make sure the ships are in good fitness to make life better, and here on Earth.
All families must have guardian incase of death of parent(s). In case of females / males under 25, guardian must be either a married couple or surviving parent, if none of the parents are alive, must be court assigned. Both parents can assign a legal guardian. In case of divorce, both biological parents still act as parents. Incase of disagreements, a court must decide the well being of a female / male under 25 years of age.
It is also parents responsibility, other then female, to make sure their daughter is married to a safe and capable person. If not, they are giving their daughter hardships & parents will end up reducing the fitness of their culture and our planet Earth. If a female is unable to marry, she should do DNA and leave note "DNA Modification Allowed" in notes section and live out a productive life, or if possible to give birth to herself for carry on. A well known donor / husband for 1 baby girl / boy. For your own sake and sake of our planet Earth, make sure to see family connections, like treatment by other siblings, parents, uncles and so on. Same rule applies if a movement have occurred across a selection, and their is movement due to a marriage. The male of any other selection must use "Gap". Areas that are classified as European Selection and Oriental Selection will be posted shortly as "Map Of Selection". Movement, due to marriage maybe allowed depending on the country of selection. However, if in Most "I" & Certain "O" selection areas "Gap" must apply.
Due to reduced fitness of male, women will end up taking the physical workload. In case of ships it will be lot since all human excretions must be collected off the walls & floors for recycling and salt removal.
A modern female is Better educated. Job & Small (<100), Mid (<1000) business oriented. Females are agile. Tend to walk fast. Tend to age slowly. Bilaterally symmetrical faces, straight noses. Born in all face types. Global Female Selection is "Mother's".
MTDNA to be mentioned later.
Strength : 1
Agility : 8
Programming Skills : 6
Separation Anxiety: 7
Clan Size : Depends on Culture.
Democratic / Socialist. Capitalist.
Street Fighter: No (But will follow culture).
Negative Mutation Impact: Global Variable Impact, Dull, Loss Of Intelligence.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Desert Niche. Rocky Desert, Indian Plains, Desert Niche, Lushes Jungles (Turkey), Alphs, Cold European Plains. About 250,000.00 years to cross from Africa to spread into Arabia, into Europe (Possibly from Turkey). (Predominantly I Haplogroup) (Predominantly 7 Niches From Africa To Current Europe. 250,000.00 years with stone tools, This period is about when the weather is warm during summer.) (From IJ, J came later then I, I differentiated first) (Estimated Population, According to my estimate & several resources to be around 1.5 Billion males world wide). (Current Popular Niche: Europe, America (US & Canada), Russia, Central Asia (Russian Federation), South America (Light Hispanics / Dark Hispanics (Non Latinos), Australia, Middle East (Iran), Asia (Turkey)). Known as Caucasians. In some regions known as Ajmi or may be referred to as Aryans (Arya means Noble Person). Aryan is a General classification representing anyone with a stature. The correct Name representing "I" will be Caucasians or Ajmi.
Man who gave birth to "I" started his journey about 250,000 years ago in Africa who was "E" at that time. Most "I" is I-M223 or similar. A Most "I" child born by the end of 2024 is even longer comes out to about 300,000 years.
Most males of European Selection tend to see bigger picture and are more capable of connecting smaller segments into a bigger segment. They have the highest tendency to become programming leads. Most situations here on Earth & Space tend to change constantly and require reprogramming of the bigger segment. They carry our highest chances of survival on Earth and in Space. The Second highest goes to Oriental Selection. Caucasian males are due to extreme cold environments. Males of this selection attach to Mothers early on. Female to male affect is due to a segment transfer or loss ( If Loss with few master genes to affect autosome and X to explain I2-L699 more like Arabian and is Fathers. Loss of fitness.) on "Y" that may possibly be crossing over. Most "I" tend to express more of mother's behavioral genes, not sure about Certain "O", increase in agility could be the reason. This possibly occurred about 250,000.00 years ago, went through multiple bottlenecks. This causes a gain in survival in extreme cold weather. Males of this selection have the highest average height and strength. Males of this selection have the highest tendency to form large clans. Clans at times can reach 100,000.00 or more people including females. They are the most attached people in the world. This lead to structured society. Next in line are Certain "O" haplogroup.
I2 & I1 Are About the same due to very long isolated selection in Ice. There are more I2 in the world then I1 partly due to their geographic location of origins. When calculating percentage, make sure to include the clan size. Most European Selection sits in a clan, and only few will do the DNA test. So the numbers in average in a city will show less then what they actually are. That will offset the percentage. Lets say a city have 100 people. Lets say 30 are I2, 10 are I1, 10 are R, 20 are E, 30 are J. Lets say 2 test came from I2, and 2 from I1, 1 from R, 3 from E, 8 From J. The resulting percentage will show incorrect numbers. All people in the world must do DNA for fitness calculations & Gap.
Adult (25 Years) hair color is predominantly a shade of dark brown or red depending on Mother's hair color. If Mother's hair color shows dominance it "maybe" a sign of negative mutation and or loss of fitness. Predominantly Most I produce shade of dark brown hair color.
Most "I" is not XXY nor is Turner Syndrome. Majority of Most "I" have sexual preference for females. Most "I" will be better educated, most will have a bachelors degree or specialized schooling after 12th grade. Most will have a composed face.
Most have round chins, tend to walk fast. Lighter version tend to have bright skin tones. Are agile. Most have thick bones. Tend to age slowly. Mostly large eyes. Mostly bilaterally symmetrical faces, straight noses. Faces are mostly square. Integrated Mother's genes. Better educated. Job & Small (<100), Mid (<1000), Large (>=1000) business oriented. European (Caucasian) Selection is "Mother's". Current comparative standard for most "I" is I-M223 and alike. Clans of "I" that are alike will be listed shortly.
Strength : 10
Agility : 10
Programming Skills : 10
Separation Anxiety: 8
Clan Size : Predominantly 5 or more.
Male Ego : 4
Democratic / Socialist. Capitalist. Mass Producer.
Street Fighter: No
Negative Mutation Impact: Likely increase in Dull, Intelligence Reduction.
Maintenance Group / Misidentification:
(Totals Maybe Around 20 Million Men). Current comparative standard for most "I" is I-M223 and alike.
I-L699 and all descendants. Yamana Culture (Some maybe part of Roma & Gypsy Cultures), Either a loss of stop / start signal, DNA segment, Or Misidentification. I-L699 is "Father's". Must take "Gap" or can work through a geneticist if one can afford.
1.5 Million (Approx. Maybe Less)
Central Europe (Ukraine). Middle East (Iraq).
Strength : 5
Agility : 4
Programming Skills : 5
Separation Anxiety: 2
Clan Size: Predominantly 2
Male Ego : 7
Governance: Dictator / Martial Law.
Street Fighter: Yes
Negative Mutation Impact: Unknown. Reduction in appetite. Maybe misidentified.
(Updated: 06/16/2023)
I-CTS10057 and all descendants except I-L699. Either a loss of stop / start signal, DNA segment, Or Misidentification. I-CTS10057 is "Father's". More like Certain "O". Does not require "Gap". Have ships of their own. Must reside in close proximity to I-M223 and alike. I-CTS10057 is part of Most "I" and falls on low side of standard deviation curve.
10 Million (Approx. Maybe Less)
Central Europe, Middle East.
Strength : 6
Agility : 7
Programming Skills : 7
Separation Anxiety: 4
Clan Size: Predominantly 4
Male Ego : 6
Governance: Democratic / Socialist. Capitalist.
Street Fighter: No.
Negative Mutation Impact: Loss of strength, reduction in agility. Reduction in appetite. More like Certain "O".
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Desert Niche. Rocky Desert Niche. Lushes Jungles & Monsoons. Bamboo Jungles, into Current Chinese & Japanese Plains. Possibly Survived Tauba Volcanic Eruption. About 120,000.00 years to cross from Africa, through Arabia, through Rocky Desert into Indian plains, into bamboo jungles, into China & Japan Plains. (Predominantly O Haplogroup) (Predominantly 5 Niches From Africa To China / Japan. 120,000.00 years with stone tools) (Estimated Population, According to my estimate & several resources to be around 600 Million males world wide.) (Current Popular Niche: Asia (Orient), America (US & Canada)). Also known as Chino in some parts of the world.
Oriental selection comprise of certain “O” haplogroups. Mostly, Oriental selection lives in a mixture of few “I", European Selection”, some Indian Selection (C Mongols, and D). Certain “O” is a selection of its own and is secondary selected. They were carved by Mount Tauba explosion, about 75,000 years ago, and the resulting local ice age, and the distance from point of origins. They have their own cultural impact, and are fully capable of sustaining life in space and on Earth. Due to short selection time, they will have to sort themselves out, and can include C & D as maintenance groups (Also known as “Frangi” in some parts of the world). According to me, C & D did not had the proper gene sequences on Y to give the genes needed. However, only DNA will determine for sure.
Adult (25 Years) hair color is predominantly a shade of brown or black. If Mother's hair color shows dominance it "maybe" a sign of negative mutation and or loss of Fitness. Certain O males mostly produce darker hair color males.
Most oriental selection will have better skin tones. Are agile, usually slim body. Tend to walk fast, tend to age slowly. Mostly oval faces. Integration of Mother's or lack of Father's genes. Better educated. Job & Small (<100), Mid (<1000), Large (>=1000) business oriented. Oriental selection maybe "Father's" ?.
Strength : 5
Agility : 9
Programming Skills : 8
Separation Anxiety: 5
Clan Size : Predominantly 3 Or More.
Male Ego : 6
Emperor / Socialist. Capitalist. Mass Producer.
Street Fighter: No
Negative Mutation Impact: Likely increase in Aggression, Dull, Intelligence Reduction.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Desert Niche. Rocky Desert Niche. Lushes Jungles & Monsoons, Rocky Desert. About 65,000.00 years to cross from Africa, through Arabia, through Rocky Desert, Indian plains into Australian Desert. (Predominantly K & S Haplogroups) (Predominantly 4 Niches From Africa Into Australia. 65,000.00 years with stone tools) (Estimated Population, According to my estimate & several resources to be around 5 Million males world wide.) (Current Popular Niche: Australia).
Must take "Gap" or can work through a geneticist if one can afford.
Strength : Unknown
Agility : Unknown
Programming Skills : Unknown
Separation Anxiety: Unknown
Clan Size : Unknown
Male Ego : Unknown
Street Fighter: Unknown
Negative Mutation Impact: Unknown
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Desert Niche. Rocky Desert Niche. Lushes Jungles & Monsoons. About 60,000.00 years to cross from Africa, through Arabia, through Rocky Desert into Indian plains. (Predominantly C, D, H, N, Q (Several) Haplogroups) (Predominantly 3 Niches From Africa Into India. 60,000.00 years with stone tools) (Estimated Population, According to my estimate & several resources to be around 600 Million males world wide.) (Current Popular Niche: Asia (Indo / Pak), Upper Europe, Upper Russia, South America (Latinos)).
Mostly known as Admi or Junta in some parts of the world. C & D are at times known as "Frangi" in some parts of the world. For most part they can be classified as latinos. Must take "Gap" or can work through a geneticist if one can afford.
"N" is mostly in Russia & Finland. "N" resemble R1a (Oval faces).
Some of Q tend to resemble J and I in South America & North America. Q & G Tend to show more male ego expressions then J and I. Mostly have Round / Square faces.
Most slightly dark skin tones. All in this selection tend to age faster. Indian selection is mostly job oriented. Indian selection is "Father's". Part maybe maintenance group of Most "I" & part of Certain "O".
Applies to N More than others in this group.
Strength : 6
Agility : 4
Programming Skills : 4
Separation Anxiety: 2
Clan Size : Predominantly 2
Male Ego : 7
Governance: Dictator / Martial law.
Street Fighter: Yes
Negative Mutation Impact: Likely increase in Aggression, Dull, Intelligence Reduction.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Desert Niche. Rocky Desert Niche, Desert Niche. About 60,000.00 to cross from Africa through Arabia, into Bolan Pass (Pakistan). (Predominantly R Haplogroup) (Predominantly 3 Niches From Africa To Indo Pak Region. 60,000.00 years with stone tools) (Estimated Population, According to my estimate & several resources to be around 200 Million males world wide.) (Current Popular Niche: Asia (Indo / Pak / Afghan), Central Europe, America (US & Canada), Australia, Central South America (Brazil)). Also known as Junta in some regions.
Most people in this selection have rough skin tone specially on neck mostly after the age of 25. In old age tend to develop cracked skin. Tan fast. Have slimmer oval faces. R1, R1b have thicker bones compared to R1a. Some lineages in this selection tend to show memory issues, may have reduction in appetite after 40. Tend to age faster. Proto Indo selection is mostly job oriented. Proto Indo Selection is "Father's". Most in this selection are maintenance group of Certain "O". Must take "Gap" or can work through a geneticist if one can afford.
Applies to R1 (R2?), R1b More Then R1a.
Strength : 5
Agility : 4
Programming Skills : 4
Separation Anxiety: 1
Clan Size : Predominantly 1
Male Ego : 9
Governance: Dictator / Martial Law.
Street Fighter: Yes
Negative Mutation Impact: Likely increase in Aggression, Dull, Intelligence Reduction.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
Desert. Rocky Desert. Indian Plains, Desert About 150,000.00 years to cross from Africa to spread into Arabia, Through Indo Pak Region. (Predominantly J Haplogroup) (Predominantly 4 Niches From Africa To Arabia. 150,000.00 years with stone tools)(From IJ, J came later then I, I differentiated first) (Estimated Population, According to my estimate & several resources to be around 700 Million males world wide.) (Current Popular Niche: Middle East, Asia (Indo / Pak / Afghan), Lower Europe, Russia (Central Asia), America (US & Canada), Upper South America). Also known as Arbi in some regions.
Most light skinned Arabian Selection people have brighter skin tones. Several have eye brows that form an inverted "V" in certain emotions (Watch Linkin Park Numb). Eyes are large and may be bending downward (Like Sylvester Stallone). Bend eye expression & inverted V may show in some European Selection. They are slower version of European Selection with higher Male Ego. Tend to display more serious attitude. Will need "Gap" for fitness increase or can work through a geneticist if one can afford, DNA must be maintained and monitored at current levels or loss of fitness will occur.
Certain lineages, may not need Gap, or just might need fewer segments. Still looking to find out which lineages.
Tend to age faster. Better educated. Arabian selection is mostly job oriented, small (Less then 100 employees) businesses. Arabian Selection is "Father's". Most in this selection are maintenance group of Most "I".
Applies to J2 More Then J1
Strength : 6
Agility : 4
Programming Skills : 6
Separation Anxiety: 2
Clan Size : Predominantly 2
Male Ego : 7
Governance: Dictator / Martial Law.
Street Fighter: Yes
Negative Mutation Impact: Likely increase in Aggression, Dull, Intelligence Reduction.
POSTED: AROUND 2021 MODIFIED: 12/14/2024
5 to 10 Million years from Apes to Humans.(Predominantly E Haplogroup) (5 to 10 Million years with stone tools) (Estimated Population, According to my estimate & several resources to be around 200 Million males world wide. (Current Popular Niche: African Continent (Indigenous), America (US), Europe (Central), Middle East (Coastal)). Also known as Habshi in some parts of the world.
About 1/3 people with African looks are not African Selection, but are Arabian Selection. Some are European Selection, Very few would be Oriental Selection. Arabian Selection or European Selection ones tend to have better skin tones, are more cylindrical tighter skin and slim (Similar to Denzel Washington).
Light version of African Selection have reddish skin tones. Several in African Selection tend to develop knee and pelvic issues. Several have dimples on the back of the head that tend to pass on in males only. (skin joined to the skull). Tend to age faster. African selection is mostly job oriented. African Selection is "Father's". Part maybe maintenance group of Most "I" & part of Certain "O". Must take "Gap" or can work through a geneticist if one can afford.
Applies to E1 more than others.
Strength : 6
Agility : 4
Programming Skills : 4
Separation Anxiety: 2
Clan Size : Predominantly 2
Male Ego : 7
Governance: Dictator / Martial Law.
Street Fighter: Yes
Negative Mutation Impact: Likely increase in Aggression, Dull, Intelligence Reduction.
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Genetic Principals Based on,
Gregor Johann Mendel.
Charles Darwin.
August Weismann.
Alfred Russel Wallace.
Gene Expressions & Behavioral Principals Based on,
Sigmund Freud
Walter Bradford Cannon
Note 1: While there isn't a single, definitive "first publication" on compulsive anxiety, the earliest documented descriptions of what we now call obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be traced back to the 17th century, with notable mentions in Robert Burton's "The Anatomy of Melancholy" (1621).
Note 2: According to available information, the concept of "Separation Anxiety" as a psychological phenomenon was first prominently published by John Bowlby in 1960, with a paper titled "Separation Anxiety" appearing in the "International Journal of Psychoanalysis".
Note 3: Sigmund Freud coined the term "anxiety neurosis" in 1895. He used the term in German in his article, "On the Grounds for Detaching a Particular Syndrome From Neurasthenia Under the Description Anxiety Neurosis'".
Note 4: Walter Bradford Cannon, an American physiologist, coined the term "fight or flight" in the 1920s. Cannon used the term to describe the body's physical response to stress, which prepares the body to fight or flee a threat.
Note 5: Walter Bradford Cannon, an American physiologist, coined the term "fight or flight" in the 1920s. Cannon used the term to describe the body's physical response to stress, which prepares the body to fight or flee a threat.
Note 6: While there isn't a single definitive "first publication" on sexual anxiety, early research and discussion on the topic can be traced back to the work of researchers like Joseph LoPiccolo in the early 1990s, who conducted studies on male sexual performance anxiety and explored treatments like sensate focus exercises to address it; this is considered a significant early contribution to understanding and managing sexual anxiety clinically.
Carbon Dating Data Based on,
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